Implementing publi educational policies in amazon state: municipal education plans in inclusion context
This article is referred to a bibliographic and documentary study on the Municipal Education Plans of Amazonas state. The research is aimed on understanding the theoretical subsidies, which guide educational policies, as well as a deepening in current educational plans comprised in the three governmental spheres regarding to commitments into inclusive education. In Hoofling (2001), Mészaros (2005), Libâneo (2006) literature, among others, it was possible to detect some consonant/dissonant aspects, which conferred the theoretical contribution concerned to the acquisition of Education Rights on the segment of people with disability, global developmental disorders and high skills/giftedness8. In order to reach the proposed objective, it was opted a qualitative research on dialectical approach, considering the public educational inclusion policies, as when they are implemented, they become an instrument of social transformation, going from exclusion ones to the protagonists of their own histories. However, it is an invitation for debating, finding out if, in an attempt to contemplate some of the presented needs for the considered target public, the surveyed Municipal Plans are neglecting the due fulfillment of ensured principles on Inclusive Education in Amazonas state.
Keywords: Inclusion policies. National Education Plan. Municipal Education Plans.

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