A performance e o conforto térmico nas salas de aulas do centro de ensino médio em período integral da escola José Feliciano da Ferreira – Jataí de GO.
The city of Jataí, southwest of Goiás, despite of having a pleasant temperature at night and dawn, in the spring and summer seasons, has caused discomfort in the classrooms of a full time school program, named José Feliciano Ferreira. In this region, temperatures can reach 41º C in the middle of the day, causing sleepiness and tiredness, impairing student learning, since there is no refrigeration system in the institution and many teachers need to take students to out of classroom with the intention of alleviating this sensation, provoking delays and affecting the quality, because the environment is not adequate to the learning of the students. In face of this problem, we proposed an elective discipline, untitled Young Scientists, and it was created a group of young researchers in order to suggest an alternative to ease the thermal discomfort in classrooms. We developed this research using students’ own resources. This study also considered the elective discipline’s aims toward instructing the students to develop a research and provide them with scientific formation to engage in academic community in the future. Young scientists propose three alternatives based on observation and experiments proving the effectiveness and feasibility of the results shown.Downloads
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How to Cite
DE MELO, Alexandre Rodrigues; GOMES, Paulo Freitas; DE OLIVEIRA, José Sílvio. A performance e o conforto térmico nas salas de aulas do centro de ensino médio em período integral da escola José Feliciano da Ferreira – Jataí de GO. Itinerarius Reflectionis, Jataí-GO., v. 15, n. 2, p. 01–08, 2019. DOI: 10.5216/rir.v15i2.58217. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufj.edu.br/rir/article/view/58217. Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.
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