Ideology category rescue in György Lukács as foment to the praxical claim of education critical theories




From the necessity to stick to the way traced by the education critical theories, using a lot of theoreticians of Marx’s ideas, can be visible a present study objectivation. Then it seeks to make evident, from the school conception conjectured by this theorist, the singularity conceived in ideology category, object to great part of its successors, like Lukács, mote of the present text. The Hungarian advances towards the recognition of ideology as a fertile field for the collective, common and universal social interest’s development. The synthesis effort of the study emphasizes how it becomes possible, starting from Lukács’s advance towards the ideology category, not limit it only to the laborative teleological action, but advance from the double possibility based on the extra laborative teleological action. It concludes bringing to surface the idea the extra laborative teleological action can be understood as an educational principle. Then presupposing the hegemonic ideology denial, both as regards material reality and in the consciousness field, its substitution is conjectured by another one related to the concret reality transformation.


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Author Biography

Júlio César Apolinário Maia, Universidade Federal de Jataí

Mestrando em Educação pela Universidade Federal de Goiás - Regional Jataí (PPGE/UFG-REJ). Licenciado em Educação Física pela Escola Superior de Educação Física e Fisioterapia do Estado de Goiás (UEG/ESEFFEGO). Integrante do Corpo e Mente: grupo de estudo/pesquisa sobre formação e intervenção profissional em Educação Física.



How to Cite

MAIA, Júlio César Apolinário. Ideology category rescue in György Lukács as foment to the praxical claim of education critical theories. Itinerarius Reflectionis, Jataí-GO., v. 16, n. 2, p. 01–14, 2020. DOI: 10.5216/rir.v16i2.59322. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 feb. 2025.



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