Literatura infantil e relações étnico-raciais

releituras decoloniais de contos clássicos com personagens negros


  • Edmacy Quirina de Sousa
  • Reginaldo Santos Pereira
  • Fábio Santos de Andrade



Abstract: This article questions the importance of a children's literature that empowers black
children, values ethnic-racial differences, their local, regional and African cultures. We started
with a literature review based on decolonial studies and, later, we analyzed four short stories
adapted and set in Brazil and that bring black characters as main actors: Afra and the three
Guara Wolves (2013), Little Red Riding Hood and the Pink dolphin (2020), Cinderella and Chico
Rei (2015) and Rapunzel and the Quibungo (2012). When analyzing these works we perceive the
valorization of the black characters of the regional and local culture and brazilian fauna and flora.
The study problematizes that it is urgent to rescue in the school environment a literature for
children that decolonizes childhood, thematizes ethnic-racial differences and that its production
distances itself from pedagogical authoritarianism, moralizing lessons and adult-centric visions
that often seek to domesticate and govern childhood


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How to Cite

DE SOUSA, Edmacy Quirina; SANTOS PEREIRA, Reginaldo; DE ANDRADE, Fábio Santos. Literatura infantil e relações étnico-raciais: releituras decoloniais de contos clássicos com personagens negros. Itinerarius Reflectionis, Jataí-GO., v. 18, n. 3, 2022. DOI: 10.5216/rir.v18i3.74806. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 mar. 2025.



Infâncias e crianças: diálogos com relações étnicos-raciais