Perspectivas e desafios do diretor na inclusão escolar




Educação inclusiva, Gestor escolar, Gestão democrática e participativa


The school education of a child with special needs demands knowledge about their main characteristics, behaviors, most compromised areas, among other aspects that involve the entire school team, which must be well guided by the director to promote the inclusion and social adaptation of this student, because there is no point in enrolling a student with special educational needs in school if there are no people committed to their learning. Otherwise, the student will be just one of the “included” children, therefore, efforts must be made to guarantee learning for everyone. This study aimed to reflect on the perspectives and challenges of the school director as an articulator of inclusive education in the regular education network. The study used bibliographic and exploratory research as its methodology, based on authors such as Mergen (2013), Veiga (2014), Mantoan (2015), Oliveira and Menezes (2018), Moraes (2018) and others. The results showed that school inclusion management involves joint actions that directly contribute to more positive results in the provision of inclusive education. It was concluded that the role of the manager in school inclusion is of utmost importance, mainly as responsible for developing democratic and participatory actions, considering the reality of the school he manages.


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How to Cite

CHEILA CECÍLIA LEÃO RIBEIRO PERES; SOUZA, Calixto Júnior de. Perspectivas e desafios do diretor na inclusão escolar. Itinerarius Reflectionis, Goiânia, v. 20, n. 1, p. 1–11, 2024. DOI: 10.69843/rir.v20i1.76910. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 oct. 2024.



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